Chapter VIII: Ideological argaleios

As the team regrouped in the time-travel lab, the air was thick with anticipation. Their recent efforts to influence history had been met with stubborn resistance. Ali, Rajat, and James understood that they needed a more direct approach. The ideological foundations that shaped the future had to be confronted at their source.

"We have to address the architects of these ideologies face-to-face," Ali said, studying the glowing interface of the Beacon. "Veer Savarkar and M.S. Golwalkar are central to the vision that has divided India. If we can reach them both together, we might find a way to alter the course of history."

Rajat nodded, adjusting his glasses with determination. "Yes, but it won't be easy. Savarkar and Golwalkar are not men who easily change their minds. They shaped their beliefs through years of struggle. Still, we must try. Both were in Nagpur during 1939. Let’s confront them together."

The Beacon whirred to life, setting the coordinates for Nagpur, 1939—a period when both Savarkar and Golwalkar were actively influencing the ideological direction of the Hindu nationalist movement. The journey through time was swift but disorienting, thrusting them into the heart of pre-war India, a land teetering on the brink of monumental change.

Part 1: A Tense Gathering

Arriving in Nagpur, the team quickly found their way to the residence where Savarkar and Golwalkar were scheduled to meet. The city was a hub of political activity, its streets filled with the charged energy of a nation in the throes of ideological transformation. The team approached a modest, well-guarded building where both men had gathered for discussions on the future of their movement.

As they were ushered inside, the room was stark, with sparse furnishings and an air thick with purpose. Veer Savarkar, with his penetrating eyes and sharp demeanor, sat beside M.S. Golwalkar, whose calm intensity and austere appearance mirrored the gravity of the conversation they were about to have.

Savarkar spoke first, his voice tinged with curiosity and skepticism. "Who are you, and why have you sought us out with such urgency?"

Ali stepped forward, his face earnest. "We are here to discuss the future of India and the potential consequences of your ideologies. We believe your current path could lead to deep divisions and suffering."

Golwalkar, seated next to Savarkar, looked at them impassively. "Future consequences?" he said with a faint smile. "How can anyone know the future with certainty? We are men of action, concerned with the present."

Ali hesitated, then pressed on. "We have come from far away...from a time yet to come. We bring a warning about the impact of the choices being made now. If the course is not altered, India may face a future of endless strife and discord."

Part 2: The Argument Unfolds

Savarkar leaned back, unimpressed, but his sharp gaze never wavered. "And I am supposed to believe that you are from the future?" he scoffed. "Even if I entertained such fantasies, why should I care? My focus is on today—on the integrity and identity of my people, here and now."

Golwalkar nodded, adding with a calm firmness, "We are not concerned with what may or may not happen years from now. Our duty is to preserve and strengthen our cultural foundation today. Our future will be forged by a strong present, not by pandering to distant possibilities."

Ali, sensing the rigidity of their stance, tried a different tack. "Mr. Savarkar, Mr. Golwalkar, consider that the very strength you speak of may become a source of division. If your ideologies are unyielding, they may sow seeds of conflict that will be hard to contain."

Savarkar’s eyes narrowed. "Conflict is the crucible in which strength is tested. If our vision leads to strife, so be it—better a struggle for integrity than a compromise that dilutes our identity."

Golwalkar, less fiery but equally unmovable, interjected, "Unity cannot be forged by compromise. A strong nation is built on unwavering principles, not by bending to every imagined future. Our work is to ensure that future generations inherit a proud and unified identity."

Rajat tried again, turning to Golwalkar, "But what if this unity is only on the surface, and beneath it lies resentment, fear, and a fractured society? Wouldn’t you want to consider an approach that could foster genuine harmony?"

Golwalkar shook his head slowly, almost pityingly. "You speak like an idealist who has not seen the world’s harsh realities. Harmony cannot exist without strength, and strength cannot exist without clarity of purpose. We provide that clarity."

Savarkar leaned forward, voice intense. "Our mission is not to appease but to assert. A nation must know itself to be strong. We are not interested in hypothetical futures. We are forging a path here, today."

Ali, sensing the futility but unwilling to give up, added, "But what if your path leads to suffering on a scale unimaginable? What if, in your quest for a strong identity, you fracture the nation irreparably?"

Savarkar’s smile was cold, almost amused. "History is not kind to the weak. We are prepared for the consequences. Better to face them with purpose than to drift aimlessly."

Golwalkar nodded, his voice calm but resolute. "Our ideology is our guide, our anchor. It does not shift with the winds of uncertainty."

Part 3: The Reluctant Departure

It was clear the team was not making headway. The convictions of Savarkar and Golwalkar were immovable, forged in the crucible of struggle and ideology. They would not be swayed by warnings of an uncertain future, no matter how dire.

After an hour of fruitless dialogue, Ali finally sighed and exchanged a glance with Rajat and James. They had hoped for a different outcome, but it was evident they would not achieve it here.

"We will leave you to your work, then," Ali said quietly, "but we hope that, in time, you may come to reconsider."

Savarkar waved a hand dismissively. "The future is not yet written. And if it is written by men like you, I want no part of it."

Golwalkar added softly, "Our task is here and now. Let history decide what is right."

The team exited the room, feeling the weight of their failure. Back in their lab, James awaited their return, his face lined with concern.

"How did it go?" he asked.

Ali shook his head. "They were immovable, set in their ways. Both are convinced their paths are right, regardless of the cost."

Rajat sighed. "Their convictions are deeply ingrained. We’ll have to find another way."

Despite their setback, the team remained undeterred. They understood that their mission was not over. History was a complex weave, and even the smallest thread could make a difference.

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